Go: Interfaces
Love them or hate them, the Go programming language has interfaces. The term interface in programming has overloaded semantics behind it, so the TLDR of interfaces are that they are an abstract type that describes a set of method signatures. In some languages, you’ll explicitly state whether or not a particular type needs to implement an interface as part of the declaration of the type; however, in Go, interfaces are satisfied implicitly. In other words, we don’t have to declare all the interfaces that a concrete type satisfies. The Go compiler will be able to resolve whether or not a particular type implement an interface. There are some neat and powerful concepts in Go using interfaces, so let’s start taking a look at what they’re all about!
Interface Declarations
Go allows you to define your own interfaces, which again is an abstract type. When interfaces are used as values, all that is required is the concrete type implement the methods signatures attached to the interface. This is the implicit satisfaction that occurs with Go, we don’t need to explicitly state that a concrete type implements a particular interface.
Let’s create a simple interface in go called FileReader
, which will contain a single function
ReadData([]map[string]string, error)
and we will implement two concrete types for reading CSV (comma separated
values) and TSV (tab separated values) files.
package main
import (
type FileReader interface {
ReadData() ([]map[string]string, error)
We can create a CSV Reader concrete type that implements a method called ReadData
in order to fulfill the new
interface FileReader
type CSVReader struct {
FilePath string
func (c *CSVReader) ReadData() ([]map[string]string, error) {
file, err := os.Open(c.FilePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close()
reader := csv.NewReader(file)
records, err := reader.ReadAll()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
header := records[0]
var data []map[string]string
for _, row := range records[1:] {
record := make(map[string]string)
for i, value := range row {
record[headers[i]] = value
data = append(data, record)
return data, nil
Then, we will create our TSV Reader concrete type that will also fulfill the FileReader
type TSVReader struct {
FilePath string
func (t *TSVReader) ReadData() ([]map[string]string, error) {
file, err := os.Open(t.FilePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close()
reader := csv.NewReader(file)
reader.Comma = '\t'
records, err := reader.ReadAll()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
headers := records[0]
var data []map[string]string
for _, row := range records[1:] {
record := make(map[string]string)
for i, value := range row {
record[headers[i]] = value
data = append(data, record)
return data, nil
With these two concrete types defined we can create a function which argument is the interface type of FileReader
and call the interface’s defined function.
func ProcessFile(reader FileReader) {
data, err := reader.ReadData()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error reading data: %v\n", err)
for _, record := range data {
func main() {
csvReader := CSVReader{FilePath: "data.csv"}
tsvReader := TSVReader{FilePath: "data.tsv"}
fmt.Println("Reading CSV File:")
fmt.Println("\nReading TSV File:")
Interface Examples: io.Reader and io.Writer
We’ve now see what it looks like to define our own interface, but let’s take a look at one of the most interesting and
useful interfaces that the Go standard library has to offer the io.Reader
and io.Writer
. These interfaces are
defined as follows:
type Reader interface {
Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
type Writer interface {
Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)
The function io.Copy
takes both a Reader
and a Writer
as arguments. With these interfaces we can create a byte
buffer that contains data that can be redirected to a particular kind of writer, in our examples we’ll use standard
out; however, the writer could be anything that implements the Writer
package main
import (
func main() {
data := []byte("this is a byte slice of data")
reader := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
if _, err := io.Copy(reader, os.Stdout); err != nil {
One again, a simple example of creating a new instances of a struct that implements the Reader
interface and using
the os.Stdout
as a Writer
. Let’s keep going, we can actually do the same with with a file as a Reader
and output
the contents of the file to os.Stdout
package main
import (
func main() {
file, err := os.Open("example.txt")
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(os.Stdout, file)
if err != nil {
In Go, a net.Conn
interface contains the same signatures as the io.Reader
and io.Writer
, meaning that any
concrete type that implements the net.Conn
interface also implements both he io.Reader
and io.Writer
Let’s create a simple example of this by creating a TCP server and client, we’ll use the io.ReadAll
function on the
server side which requires a io.Reader
to be used and on client side we’ll use the implemented Write
method that
is attached to our concrete connection type that implements the io.Writer
as another way to show how powerful these
interfaces can be.
// server
package main
import (
func main() {
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
if err != nil {
defer listener.Close()
fmt.Println("Server is listening on port 8080...")
for {
conn, err := listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error accepting connection:", err)
go handleConnection(conn)
func handleConnection(conn net.Conn) {
defer conn.Close()
fmt.Println("Client connected.")
// Read data from client (implements io.Reader)
data, err := io.ReadAll(conn)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error reading data:", err)
fmt.Printf("Received from client: %s\n", string(data))
// client
package main
import (
func main() {
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "localhost:8080")
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
message := "Hello from client!"
// Write to server (conn implements io.Writer)
_, err = conn.Write([]byte(message))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error writing to server:", err)
fmt.Println("Message sent to server.")
I often find myself looking toward the Go standard library for influence on elegant and simple API design. Now, with
that said, there are some rough edges of any language and standard library. For the most part, I find a lot of
inspiration and influence in the standard library and the io.Reader
and io.Writer
interfaces are one of many great
examples of how to compose power interfaces that allow for numerous concrete type implements.
Interface Point to a Nil Pointer is Non-Nil?
This topic is pretty interesting, let’s just talk about pointers in Go for a second. A pointer in Go is a variable that
contains it’s own memory address, but the value of the variable is the memory address location that contains a variable
of that particular type. When we define a variable as a pointer in Go, its default value that is provided is nil
. In
the below example, we should see the output value of <nil>
indicating that indeed the default value was set to nil
for a pointer variable.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var a *int
fmt.Printf("%v\n", a)
If we edit the above code and give our variable another variable to point to, we should be able to print out the address of the variable we’re pointing to, the variables addresses, and the value.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var i int
i = 256
fmt.Printf("i address: %p - i value: %d\n", &i, i)
var a *int
a = &i
fmt.Printf("a address: %p - a value: %p - a actual value: %d\n", &a, a, *a)
Alright, that’s about as much basic pointer stuff as we’re going to cover for the moment. Let’s talk about interfaces
and pointers of types that implement particular interfaces, what would happen if we had a concrete type pointer
variable of which the type implemented a particular interface but we never set the pointer to point to an actual
instance of the type? In other words, what would happen if we had a nil
pointer that implements an interface?
package main
import (
type FieldPrinter interface {
PrintFields() string
type MetaData struct {
ID int
Name string
func (md *MetaData) PrintFields() string {
sb := strings.Builder{}
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprint("ID: %d\n", md.ID))
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprint("Name: %d\n", md.Name))
return sb.String()
func main() {
var metaDataPtr *MetaData
var fieldPrinter FieldPrinter
if fieldPrinter == nil {
fmt.Print("fieldPrinter is nil\n")
if metaDataPtr == nil {
fmt.Print("metaDataPtr is nil\n")
fieldPrinter = metaDataPtr
if fieldPrinter == nil {
fmt.Print("fieldPrinter is nil\n")
} else {
fmt.Print("fieldPrinter is NOT nil?\n")
Running the above code would show us that after we assign the interface variable to a pointer type that implements
that interface the interface variable is no longer nil
? Well, this brings us to another point in this article that
is a bit odd, can you call a method on a nil
pointer? Well, the answer is yes you can.
package main
import (
type MetaData struct {
ID int
Name string
func (md *MetaData) CheckNil() {
if md == nil {
fmt.Printf("metadata is nil\n")
} else {
fmt.Printf("metadata is not nil\n")
func main() {
var metaDataPtr *MetaData
When we think of methods in Go, we should really just be thinking about a function call that either contains a pointer
or value, depending on the method receiver type, that is placed as the first argument to a function call. So the
method func (md *MetaData) CheckNil() ...
should really be look at like func CheckNil(md *MetaData) ...
. Bring it
back to why an interface becomes non-nil when we assign a interface to a nil pointer that implements that particular
interface, for drawing a basic idea we can say that an interface variables have a type component and a value component.
If the type component is a pointer type and the value is nil, technically the type does implement the interface and
since we just created an example that shows in some scenarios it is valid to call a method on a nil pointer, Go has to
set the interface variable to non-nil to avoid a scenario where an interface implementation may not directly access
the pointer variable.
Type Assertion
A type assertion is an operation that can be applied to an interface value that checks the dynamic type of its operand matches the asserted type. A type assertion to a concrete type extracts the concrete value from its operand. If the check fails, then the operation panics or returns an error depending on how to assertion is applied.
var w io.Writer
w = os.Stdout
f := w.(*os.File) // success
c := w.(*bytes.Buffer) // panics
In order to avoid a panic, we can test whether it is some particular type. If the type assertion appears in an assignment in which two results are expected, the operation does not panic on failure but instead returns a boolean value that indicates the success of the assertion.
var w io.Writer = os.Stdout
f, ok := w.(*os.File) // success, ok value true
b, ok := w(*bytes.Buffer) // failure, ok value failure
Type switches simplifies an if-else
chain that does a series of type value equality checks.
switch x.(type) {
case nil: // ...
case int, uint: // ...
case bool: // ...
case string: // ...
default: // ...
VTable (Virtual Method Table)
In OOP languages, VTables or virtual method tables are a component for enabling polymorphic behavior. A
VTable is essentially a lookup table used to support dynamic dispatching of virtual functions, each class that has
a virtual method gets is own VTable, each object of that class carries a pointer, let’s call it vptr
, that points
to the VTable of its class. The VTable contains pointers to the actual implementations of the virtual functions.
When a method is called on an object, vptr
is used to find the appropriate method address in the VTable, allowing
the correct function to be executed at runtime.
This mechanism provides the functionality required for runtime polymorphism, enabling behaviors in derived classes to be invoked through base class pointers or references; however, it also has a performance cost due to the indirection involved in accessing function pointer and memory overhead from storing the VTable.
Cool story Nick, what does this have to do with anything that we were talking about previous?
Well, I’m glad that you asked, we’ll be talking about how interfaces work in Go and how similar it is to VTables.
The iface and itab
Go’s interfaces provide a way to achieve polymorphism, which approach will seem strikingly similar to VTables. Go
has structures called iface
and itab
, these types allow dynamic dispatching similar to the VTable mechanism we
discussed in the previous section.
The iface
structure represents an instance of an interface that contains a pointer to the actual data (concrete type)
, and a pointer to an itab
, which helps resolve the appropriate method implementations. The itab
structure helps
link the interface methods to the methods implemented by the concrete type, this structure contains metadata about the
type implementing the interface and pointers to the functions that implement the interface methods.
If we were to write our own conceptual implementation, it could look something like the following block of code:
package main
import (
type methodFunc func(interface{})
type itab struct {
typeName string
methods map[string]methodFunc
type iface struct {
tab *itab
data interface{}
type Dog struct{}
func (d Dog) Speak() {
func createItab(typeName string, methods map[string]methodFunc) *itab {
return &itab{
typeName: typeName,
methods: methods,
func (i *iface) Call(methodName string) {
if method, ok := i.tab.methods[methodName]; ok {
} else {
fmt.Printf("Method %s not found for type %s\n", methodName, i.tab.typeName)
func main() {
dogItab := createItab("Dog", map[string]methodFunc{
"Speak": func(data interface{}) {
// Type assertion to call the actual method
if d, ok := data.(Dog); ok {
animalInterface := &iface{
tab: dogItab,
data: Dog{},
Obviously, this is over simplified but I think paints a clear picture of what is trying to be achieved.
“I can only show you the door, you’re the one that has to walk through it.”